Business results of Riskfin’s activities for the year 2018 were presented at the annual meeting of the company as well as the main tasks for 2019 were defined.
General Director Baranov Alexey in his report indicated that 2018 was the year when the company focused on intensive development and showed a positive trend for all indicators.
The active position of the Company and adherence to corporate standards made it possible to increase the rate of revenue growth compared with the previous year, 2017.
In 2018, Riskfin has successfully implemented its goal of expanding the sales market, increasing the sales, establishing effective long-term partnerships and finding new lucrative offers that were set as a goal at the end of 2017.
In quantitative terms efficiency of Riskfin’s activities in 2018 looks as follows:
Revenue growth rate amounted to 151% (compared to 117% in 2017);
Net profit increased by 184% compared with 2017;
Labor efficiency (output per worker) increased by 1.5 times compared with the previous year thanks to the introduction of new technologies and work organization;
Return on equity amounted to 91.2%;
¼ of fixed assets was renewed.
Thus, over the past year of 2018, the Company Riskfin represented itself as a reliable, responsible and promising business partner, able to respond quickly and flexibly to market conditions.
Main components of Riskfin’s strategy for 2019 are:
Due to the presence of significant opportunities to increase its potential on the basis of the organization of work in accordance with the corporate standard STO.9002-09 “Intellectual property and innovation” “Organization of intellectual operational activity, registration of intellectual property, accounting and operational use of intangible assets”;
To further develop software products, increasing their reliability and, on this basis, increasing the number of users and consumers of services.
Execution of these tasks is provided at the account of the following opportunities:
Availability of qualified specialists;
Utilization of high-tech software: development tools and results of research activities of employees;
Participation in international conferences, preparation of seminars and workshops on risk assessment and risk management;
Well-developed procedure for interacting with users and consumers of our services allows us to timely take into account their requests and promptly respond to any changes in current legislation and requirements of the regulator;
Absolute financial stability of the Company on the basis of its own exclusive financial resources for its development;
Existing image of a reliable business partner who enjoys absolute confidence expressed by its customers.
Achievement of these tasks set for 2019 will help to even further strengthen financial condition of RISKFIN LLC, as well as reinforce its position and increase its market share.